replica Balenciaga handbags - One of the Most Desirable in the Fashion World

Cristóbal Balenciaga revolutionized the fashion industry in the twentieth century. Of Spanish origin, Balenciaga's design ideas have guided many a designers of the modern era. Jacques Bogart owns the House of Balenciaga now and has an entourage of designers carrying forward Balenciaga's original style and fashion. Today Balenciaga is a multi billion dollar company and commands great customer base among the celebrities. From the petite hands of Nicole Richie to the Mar-Kate and Ashley duo, the Balenciagas have adorned many a pricy arms. They vouch for it and are extremely loyal to the band. Probably the main reason is the fact that no two Balenciaga replica bags are the same! All the bags are custom made and are unique.

There are many Balenciaga replica bags. The most popular ones are the box handbags, priced north of 900 USD, these bags are used for casual occasions and are a trademark of the design house. Priced at USD 1050, the twiggy handbags with shoulder straps come next in line for casual wear after box handbags. If you are looking for a handbag to carry your files and folders to office look no further than the stylish ever popular Work handbags priced at approximately 1300 USD. These are perfectly suited for the occasion. The flat Balenciaga bag with round edges called the classic with a shoulder strap is sold at approximately 950 USD.

The Balenciaga replica bags always have a long waiting list and have a great demand. The bags are never sold online and you will always have to order by calling. The market is also full of fake Balenciaga replica bags commanding prices as high as 700-800 USD. So how do you differentiate between a fake and an original Balenciaga?

o All Balenciaga replica bags will have a signature 'Lampo'. You will find it on the zipper and it will be embossed on it.

o All original fake Balenciaga bags with tassels will have a perfectly welded O ring without any gap in between.

o Authentic Balenciago bags will have tassels wrapped in a plastic. No other part of the bag will ever be covered.

o A used Balenciago bag will also command a price as high as 700 USD. So do not buy something cheap thinking that you have got a god deal! Chances are that the bag is a fake.

o As mentioned earlier no two Balenciago bags are the same. So if a dealer is selling identical bags, then raise the alarm early!

So if price is not an issue for you then go ahead and join the league of celebrities by carrying a Balenciago with style. The lovely goat leather imported from Spain forming the slouchy handbags have been the style statement for ages and you can always have one Balenciago to take out on special occasions if not for daily use. As research says most customers are loyal to their brands. So if you are loyal to your Balenciago then you know that you do not need a reason to buy one! Just go out and pamper yourself!

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